Con motivo del auge que ha tomado la
inseguridad en el país, lo cual se ve reflejado en la prensa nacional y
en la situación de colapso de las morgues en todo el país, y ya que la
policía es insuficiente, tenemos que tomar medidas para que nosotros y
nuestros familiares no salgan lastimados, violados, mutilados,
extorsionados, muertos o cualquier cosa inimaginable de las que están
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Los honrados somos cómo los judios en la Alemania de Hitler ?
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Peliculas Francesas que más le gustan a Woody Allen. Revista Arcadia

Woody Allen.
Cine (web)
En estos días de diciembre en los que se busca romper con la rutina, compartimos las cinco películas parisinas que más le gustan a Woddy Allen, según la revista "Newsweek". Relájese y disfrute.
Por: Revistaarcadia.com
Publicado el: 2011-12-21
La regla del juego
“No a todo el mundo le gusta esta película, pero a mí sí. Es una experiencia muy poderosa”.
Los 400 golpes
“Todo el mundo adora esta película, es muy energética y entretenida”
Los niños del paraíso
“Este es simplemente un maravilloso film acerca de la vida y el amor. Es lo que llaman una fiesta”.
Sin aliento
“Desde el día que salió, no solo fue una emocionante película sobre el crimen, también cambió mucho la realización cinematográfica”.
El sabor de los otros
“Este es un film encantador que vi hace unos años, y es un buen ejemplo de una muy entretenida forma de contar una historia”.
“No a todo el mundo le gusta esta película, pero a mí sí. Es una experiencia muy poderosa”.
Los 400 golpes
“Todo el mundo adora esta película, es muy energética y entretenida”
Los niños del paraíso
“Este es simplemente un maravilloso film acerca de la vida y el amor. Es lo que llaman una fiesta”.
Sin aliento
“Desde el día que salió, no solo fue una emocionante película sobre el crimen, también cambió mucho la realización cinematográfica”.
El sabor de los otros
“Este es un film encantador que vi hace unos años, y es un buen ejemplo de una muy entretenida forma de contar una historia”.
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel. Buon Natale !!!!!!
Los regalos más apetecidos en Navidad
Eduka — 22 diciembre 2011
esta época, los jóvenes cambiaron sus gustos debido a la innovación y
revolución en temas tecnológicos. Ya algunos de los regalos como
celulares y computadores de mesa, son opciones que pasan a un segundo
Los últimos aparatos electrónicos, mandan la parada por esta fecha. Por eso, aquí le presentamos algunas de las opciones para los jóvenes en esta navidad.
1. Las Tablets: Muchos de estos dispositivos se convirtieron en la fuerte competencia de los portátiles y los celulares. Para un joven sería un buen regalo teniendo en cuenta que se acerca su época universitaria. El iPad 2 se destaca por sus múltiples funciones, la exclusividad y un buen rendimiento. Por la misma línea, se destacan aparatos electrónicos como el Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, y la tablet de Sony que tiene dentro de sus innovaciones todo el entretenimiento del Play Station.
2. Consolas de videojuego: La más reciente consola de Nintendo 3DS permite disfrutar de los videojuegos en tercera dimensión. También se encuentra el PS3 (Play Station 3), el Play Station Vita como consola portátil de última generación, sin dejar atrás el Nintendo Wii y el Xbox 360.
3. Tecnología ‘Touch’: hablando un poco de última generación de celulares, se destaca el uso de ‘Smartphones’ como el Samsung Galaxy S2 y el Alcatel One Touch 990.
Dentro de otras opciones pueden encontrarse los computadores portátiles con sistemas operativos rápidos, además de ser fáciles de manejar; las cámaras di-gitales son otra buena opción y por último los televisores con tecnología cinema en 3D.
Los últimos aparatos electrónicos, mandan la parada por esta fecha. Por eso, aquí le presentamos algunas de las opciones para los jóvenes en esta navidad.
1. Las Tablets: Muchos de estos dispositivos se convirtieron en la fuerte competencia de los portátiles y los celulares. Para un joven sería un buen regalo teniendo en cuenta que se acerca su época universitaria. El iPad 2 se destaca por sus múltiples funciones, la exclusividad y un buen rendimiento. Por la misma línea, se destacan aparatos electrónicos como el Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, y la tablet de Sony que tiene dentro de sus innovaciones todo el entretenimiento del Play Station.
2. Consolas de videojuego: La más reciente consola de Nintendo 3DS permite disfrutar de los videojuegos en tercera dimensión. También se encuentra el PS3 (Play Station 3), el Play Station Vita como consola portátil de última generación, sin dejar atrás el Nintendo Wii y el Xbox 360.
3. Tecnología ‘Touch’: hablando un poco de última generación de celulares, se destaca el uso de ‘Smartphones’ como el Samsung Galaxy S2 y el Alcatel One Touch 990.
Dentro de otras opciones pueden encontrarse los computadores portátiles con sistemas operativos rápidos, además de ser fáciles de manejar; las cámaras di-gitales son otra buena opción y por último los televisores con tecnología cinema en 3D.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Time´s person of the year . "The Protestor"
Person of the Year Introduction
By Rick Stengel Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011

Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME
History often emerges only in retrospect. Events become significant only when looked back on. No one could have known that when a Tunisian fruit vendor set himself on fire in a public square in a town barely on a map, he would spark protests that would bring down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and rattle regimes in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain. Or that that spirit of dissent would spur Mexicans to rise up against the terror of drug cartels, Greeks to march against unaccountable leaders, Americans to occupy public spaces to protest income inequality, and Russians to marshal themselves against a corrupt autocracy.Protests have now occurred in countries whose populations total at least 3 billion people, and the word protest has appeared in newspapers and online exponentially more this past year than at any other time in history.
Is there a global tipping point for frustration? Everywhere, it seems, people said they'd had enough. They dissented; they demanded; they did not despair, even when the answers came back in a cloud of tear gas or a hail of bullets. They literally embodied the idea that individual action can bring collective, colossal change. And although it was understood differently in different places, the idea of democracy was present in every gathering. The root of the word democracy is demos, "the people," and the meaning of democracy is "the people rule." And they did, if not at the ballot box, then in the streets. America is a nation conceived in protest, and protest is in some ways the source code for democracy — and evidence of the lack of it.
The protests have marked the rise of a new generation. In Egypt 60% of the population is under the age of 25. Technology mattered, but this was not a technological revolution. Social networks did not cause these movements, but they kept them alive and connected. Technology allowed us to watch, and it spread the virus of protest, but this was not a wired revolution; it was a human one, of hearts and minds, the oldest technology of all.
Everywhere this year, people have complained about the failure of traditional leadership and the fecklessness of institutions. Politicians cannot look beyond the next election, and they refuse to make hard choices. That's one reason we did not select an individual this year. But leadership has come from the bottom of the pyramid, not the top. For capturing and highlighting a global sense of restless promise, for upending governments and conventional wisdom, for combining the oldest of techniques with the newest of technologies to shine a light on human dignity and, finally, for steering the planet on a more democratic though sometimes more dangerous path for the 21st century, the Protester is TIME's 2011 Person of the Year.
Special Features:
Person of the Year: The Protester
A Year in the Making
Runner-Up: William McRaven
Runner-Up: Ai Weiwei
Runner-Up: Paul Ryan
Runner-Up: Kate Middleton
People Who Mattered
Fond Farewells
Profiles of Protesters
Crazy, Stupid, Cool
Photos: Peter Hapak's Profiles of Protesters Around the World
Photos: My Year On Revolution Road by Yuri Kozyrev
Photos: Kate Middleton's Best Fashion Moments of 2011
Photos: Meet Loukanikos, Athens' Protest Dog
Photos: Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin
Ai Weiwei's Photographs
Special Ops: A Photo History
Photos: Sidi Bouzid, the Tunisian Town Where the Arab Spring Began
Protests and Counterprotests in Russia
OWS: Protests and Camp Shutdowns
18 Days that Shook the World
Graphic: TIME's Person of the Year, from 1927 to 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Nueve cosas que tienden a desaparecer durante el curso de nuestra vida
Diciembre 18, 2011. Remitido por Jorge A. Giraldo
Estos cambios serán buenos o malos... dependiendo en parte de cómo nos adaptaremos a ellos. Pero, independientemente de que estemos o no listos para asumirlos, esta es una realidad innegable!
Lo único que nos quedará sin que "ellos" hagan ningún cambio será nuestros "Recuerdos"... pero ojalá que el Alzheimer no nos despoje también de ellos!!!
- 1. La Oficina de Correos.
Prepárense para imaginarse viviendo en un mundo en donde no exista una oficina de correos. Ellos están sufriendo profundos problemas financieros que probablemente no puedan ser sostenidos a largo plazo. Los correos electrónicos, la Federal Express, el UPS y otros servicios similares casi han acabado con el ingreso mínimo necesario para mantener la oficina de correos con vida. En la actualidad, la mayor parte de la correspondencia diaria que nos trae el cartero está integrada por cartas de propaganda (correo basura) y facturas a pagar.
- 2. El Cheque.
De hecho, en Gran Bretaña ya están sentando las bases para acabar con los cheques en el año 2018. El procesamiento de los cheques cuesta miles de millones de dólares al sistema financiero. Las tarjetas plásticas de crédito/débito, al igual que las transacciones en-línea causarán la eventual desaparición del cheque. Esto tambié n tiene relación directa con la muerte de la oficina de correos. Si ustedes dejarían de pagar sus facturas por correo y dejarían de recibirlas por ese medio, no les quede la menor duda de que la oficina de correos iría a la quiebra.
- 3. Los Diarios.
Las nuevas generaciones simplemente han dejado de leer los diarios. Ciertamente, ellos ya no se suscriben a la edición impresa de los diarios. Esta costumbre desaparecerá al igual que desparecieron el lechero a domicilio y el hombre que buscaba tu ropa sucia para llevarla a la lavandería. Y si planean dedicarse a leer los diarios en-línea, prepárense a pagar por ello. El incremento de dispositivos móviles de Internet y de lecturas electrónicas ha hecho que todos los editores de periódicos y revistas formen una alianza y se reúnan con Apple, Amazon, y las compañías de teléfono celular más importantes, a fin de desarrollar un modelo para los servicios de suscripción pagados.
- 4. Los Libros.
Ustedes dirán que nunca abandonarán la versión física de un libro que pueden tomar en sus manos y disfrutarlo mientras cambian las páginas. Yo dije lo mismo cuando me dijeron que descargue mú sica de iTunes pues me negaba a abandonar mis CDs! Pero rápidamente tuve que cambiar de idea cuando descubrí que podía conseguir discos a mitad de precio y sin salir de casa para obtener lo último en música. Lo mismo ocurrirá con los libros. Actualmente, ustedes pueden navegar por una librería en-línea, e incluso leer un capítulo del libro que les guste antes de comprarlo. Y el precio a pagar será menos de la mitad del precio que pagarían por un libro real. Y piensen en la conveniencia! Una vez que comiencen a mover sus dedos sobre una pantalla en vez de sobre un libro, se darán cuenta que se meterán de pleno en la historia y no podrán esperar para saber qué sucede a continuación... y entonces se olvidarán que están sosteniendo en sus manos un aparato electrónico en vez de un libro.
- 5. El Teléfono Convencional.
A menos que tengan una familia numerosa y hagan una gran cantidad de llamadas, ustedes ya no necesitan un teléfono convencional. La mayoría de las personas simplemente mantienen el teléfono convencional porque siempre lo han tenido, pero deben tener en cuenta que están pagando un precio doble por un servicio que ahora es extra. Todas las empresas de telefonía celular le permitirán llamar a los clientes usando el mismo proveedor de su teléfono celular, sin cargos por minuto.
- 6. La Música.
Esta es la parte más radical de esta historia de cambios! La industria de la música está sufriendo una muerte lenta. No sólo debido a las descargas ilegales desde la computadora, sino también a la falta de música nueva e innovadora que pueda llegar a la gente que quiera escucharla. Uno de los problemas para esto ha sido la codicia y la corrupción. Los sellos discográficos y los conglomerados de radio están simplemente auto-destruyé ndose. La "música de catálogo" representa más del 40% de la mú sica comprada en la actualidad, lo cual significa música tradicional con la cual el pú blico está familiarizado, así como también artistas de mayor edad que ya han sido consagrados. Esto tambié n es válido en el circuito de conciertos en vivo. Para explorar este tema fascinante e inquietante, consulten el libro, Apetito por la Auto-Destrucción ("Appetite for Self-Destruction"), escrito por Steve Knopper, y el video documental titulado Antes de que la Música Muera ("Before the Music Dies")
- 7.Televisión.
Las ganancias que recibían las redes de televisión se han reducido dramáticamente, y no únicamente debido a la crisis económica. La gente está viendo programas de televisión y películas en sus computadoras. Y además, están divirtiéndose con juegos computarizados y haciendo un montón de otras cosas que ahora ocupan el tiempo que antes lo pasaban frente al televisor. Los programas que se pasan en horarios de máxima audiencia han degenerado tanto que han descendido más allá del denominador común más bajo. Los precios que cobran las compañías de cable están por las nubes y los anuncios salen cada 4 minutos y 30 segundos. Yo digo "hasta nunca" a la mayoría de estos programas y compañías de cable! Es hora que las compañías de cable dejen de convertir nuestras vidas en una tortura. Dejen que la gente elija lo que quiere ver... ya sea en-línea y/o a través de Netflix.
- 8. Las "Cosas" que Ustedes Poseen.
La mayoría de las cosas que poseemos o solíamos poseer son todavía parte de nuestras vidas, pero en realidad podríamos no poseerlas en el futuro. Por ahora, estas cosas podrían estar simplemente "residiendo en la nube". En la actualidad, sus computadoras tienen un disco duro y ustedes pueden guardar ahí fotos, música, películas y documentos. Su software está en un CD o en un DVD, y ustedes siempre podrán volver a instalarlo si eso es necesario. Pero todo eso está cambiando. Apple, Microsoft y Google están en el proceso de completar sus últimos "servicios en la nube." Esto significa que cuando se encienda una computadora, la Internet se integrará al sistema operativo. De tal manera que Windows, Google y el sistema operativo MAC estarán ligados directamente a la Internet. Cuando ustedes hagan clic en un ícono, se abrirá algo en la nube de la Internet. Cuando ustedes guarden algo, ese algo se guardará en la nube. Y ustedes probablemente tendrán que pagar mensualmente una cuota de suscripción al proveedor de la "nube". En ese mundo virtual, ustedes podrán acceder a su mú sica, sus libros, o sus cosas favoritas ya sea desde su computadora portátil (laptop) o desde cualquier otro dispositivo portátil. Esa es la buena noticia. Pero, serán ustedes los dueños reales de cualquiera de estas "cosas" , o todas estas cosas podrán desaparecer en cualquier momento con un gran "PUUF" ?. Serán casi todas las cosas en nuestras vidas desechables y arbitrarias? No te dan ganas de correr al armario y sacar ese álbum de fotos, o tomar un libro de la estantería, o abrir una caja de CDs y sacar el disco que te gusta?
- 9. La Privacidad.
Si alguna vez existió un concepto que podemos mirar retroactivamente con nostalgia, ese concepto sería la privacidad. Un concepto que ha desaparecido. Un concepto que de todas maneras desapareció hace mucho tiempo. Hay cámaras en la calle, en la mayorí a de los edificios, e incluso incorporadas en sus computadoras y en su teléfonos celulares. Por consiguiente, pueden estar seguros que "Ellos" saben quiénes son ustedes y en dónde se encuentran, saben hasta las coordenadas GPS, y pueden ver totalmente la calle en la viven a través de Google. Si ustedes compran algo, sus gustos son colocados en un trillón de perfiles, y los anuncios de "ellos" cambian para reflejar esos gustos. Además "ellos" tratarán de convencerles, una y otra vez, para que compren alguna otra cosa.
COPYRIGHT © 2011 DePapaya.com
Reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Post-Sentinel.com : Strange Fruit Burns Average 8.9 Pounds, 2 Inches in 28 Days
By NICOLE HODGES Ι December 15, 2011 |

And much to the chagrin of the nation's $40 billion-dollar diet industry, which sells outrageously expensive surgical procedures and drugs that have done little, if anything, to trim America's ever-growing collective waistline.
Indeed, interest in the use of African Mango extract (irvingia gabonensis) as a safe, effective and inexpensive weight loss alternative surged after Dr. Mehmet Oz called it, mentioning no specific brand, a "breakthrough supplement" and a "miracle in your medicine cabinet" on his Emmy Award-winning The Dr. Oz Show, which aired on September 13, 2010.3
Similarly, one of the show's leading medical contributors, Dr. Tanya Edwards, M.D., called African Mango extract, mentioning no specific brand, a "miracle pill" after it helped her lose 7 pounds in less than a month without making any changes to her diet or exercise routine.4 Click here to read her report.
Subjects Lost an Astonishing 3,990% More Weight
According to a recent study published in the scientific journal Lipids in Health and Disease, men and women supplementing with African Mango extract for just 28 days lost an astonishing 3,990% more weight than those taking a placebo (8.9 lbs vs. 0.22 lbs).1
Beyond the weight loss, the volunteerstaking African Mango extract 30 minutes before meals lost a stunning average of 2.4 inches from their waistlines as well as 1.8 inches from their hips — and their bad LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and glucose levels all plummeted.1
What Is African Mango, and How Does It Work?

The brightly-colored tropical fruit is native to Cameroon's west-coastal rainforests. African Mango, or Bush Mango, differs from other mango fruits in that it produces a peculiar seed, which natives of Cameroon refer to as Dikka nuts.5
For hundreds of years, an extract from the seeds called irvingia gabonensis has been used among Cameroon villagers for its wide-ranging medicinal benefits, which range from reducing and preventing obesity to lowering cholestrol to regulating blood sugar to treating infections.1,5
Americans Swear by African Mango's Slimming Benefits
Tiffany Waterson, a 30-year-old mother of three from St. Petersburg, Florida, says she struggled with her weight for years until discovering African Mango.
"I gained 40 pounds with my last child, and I was already 25 pounds overweight," says Waterson. "I tried several diets and tried to stay away from the foods I loved and nothing seemed to work. I might have lost a few pounds, but it would always come back."
Waterson says she just about gave up hope of ever losing the weight until she read an article about the slimming and health benefits of African Mango.

"All I have done is take the pills like the bottle says and drink plenty of water, and I don't eat past 8 p.m. I still eat what I have always eaten, just smaller portions. And now to tone my body up I'm doing light exercise, and I am loving my new body."
David Jeffery, a 36-year-old journalist from Columbia, Missouri, says he's experienced similar weight-loss success with African Mango.
"After just two weeks of using African Mango, I lost 22 pounds of fat, including a lot of fat off my gut," says Jeffery. "I'm amazed at how fast the weight is falling off me. Already my jean size has dropped from 36 to 34."
Beware of "Watered Down" African Mango Products
With the recent publicity and fanfare surrounding African Mango, it's no surprise that sites are popping up all over the Internet claiming to offer African Mango at bargain-basement prices.
However, desperate slimmers should be aware of African Mango products that use "proprietary blends" and don't list the specific amount of the active ingredient (irvingia) contained in each capsule. Experts warn that it's a well-known ploy that some manufacturers sell watered down versions of products that contain insignificant amounts of the active ingredient.6
Also don't be duped by products which also contain all kinds of other herbal ingredients that have not been tested scientifically, because these other ingredients can be potentinally harmful.6
December 15, 2011 Update: How To
Find a Quality African Mango
With dozens, if not hundreds, of African Mango products being
sold online, selecting one that's worth your money can be a difficult and
confusing endeavor.
to consumer and Better Business ratings, the 100% Pure African
Mango product offered from Applied
Nutritional Research is considered one of the most effective and trustworthy,
with laboratory tests certifying the product's potency and
quality.Each serving of Pure African Mango contains 1,050 mg of Irvingia — one of the highest concentrations currently available.
The website offers a 100% risk-free trial of the product, with each serving working out to be just 62 cents — less than what you'd spend on a small sugary softdrink at McDonald's.
What's more, each an every order of Pure African Mango is a one-time-only transaction. In other words, there are absolutely no reoccurring charges or hidden offers.
![]() ![]() LAST DAY: Due to high reader demand and dwindling supplies, Coupon Code guaranteed valid only until 12:00 a.m. (EST) tonight, December 15, 2011. |
Article Sponsored by
Pure African Mango. Copyright 2011. All Rights
References Cited:
1. Natural Medicines
Comprehensive Database. Stockton, Calif, USA: Therapeutic
Research Faculty; Irvingia Gabonensis. Updated
Ngondi JL, Oben JE, Minka SR. The effect of
Irvingia gabonensis seeds on body weight and blood lipids of
obese subjects in Cameroon. Lipids
in Health and Disease. 2005;4, article
3. "Miracles in Your Medicine
Cabinet," The Dr. Oz Show®, September 13,
4. "Irvingia: A Magic Pill,"
Tanya Edwards, M.D., M.e.d., May 26, 2011: http://www.doctoroz.com/blog/tanya-edwards-md-med/irvingia-magic-pill
5. Tchoundjeu, Z. &
Atangana, A.R., 2007. Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O’Rorke)
Baill. [Internet] Record from Protabase. van der Vossen, H.A.M. & Mkamilo,
G.S. (Editors). PROTA (Plant Resources of Tropical Africa / Ressources
végétales de l’Afrique tropicale), Wageningen, Netherlands. < http://database.prota.org/search.htm>.
Accessed 12 July 2011.
6. "African Mango - Weight Loss
Wonder Fruit?" Dr Ingrid van Heerden, July 11, 2011. http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Weight_Centre/15-51-2974,64016.asp
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Meet the 25 Most Viral People on the Internet. GIZMODO:
By Mat Honan
Meet the 25 Most Viral People on the Internet

These are the
ones who can. When they post something to a website, Twitter, or Facebook, it's
almost assured of blowing up. Meet the 25 most viral voices on the Internet.
If you'd like
to see everything on one page, click here.

25. Andre Torrez
Platform: Torrez.org, MLKSHK, Twitter
Do you know Andre Torrez? You should. The most influential person you follow on Twitter knows him. He's created some of the most interesting communities online. From private watering holes for the Internet's jet set, to his new, open-to-anyone image board, MLKSHK. But more to the point, programmer-blogger Torrez is a classic idea seeder; a person who introduces concepts to the people who take them big.
24. Ben Huh
Platform: Cheezburger.com
Ben Huh started with LOLcats, but his network of Websites have become the definition of virality on the Web, from infancy to grave. While The Daily What takes on the newest oddities of the day, Know Your Meme has become the canonical reference for everything viral. In short, Huh has built an end-to-end platform for Web popularity that lets people create things to go viral, point to web flotsam, track what's trending, and then explain how and why something has become popular. It's genius.
23. Starspirit
Platform: Stumbleupon
Stumbleupon is the long boom. It's the stock to Twitter or Facebook's flow. Things that go big on StumbleUpon continue to generate traffic for years to come. And few have more juice than the self-described "woman from a mountain town" StarSpirit. She's been on StumbleUpon's list of top Stumblers for years, thanks to the massively interesting links she surfaces and spreads. She's one of those Stumblers who by liking something another user has found, instantly makes it go big as it spreads across her network of 9,000 followers.

22. Ed Weissman
Platform: Hacker News
If you want to stay up on what's happening in the tech industry, you'd better read Y Combinator's Hacker News. It's the go-to news aggregator for the digital set, the place startup founders and c-level types go every day to get smart. Like Reddit (which sprang forth from a YCombinator session), its users accrue karma when others upvote their stories and comments. Now, Weissman isn't top ranked in karma points on Hacker News (that'd be Thomas Ptacek). He's not even number two (hello, Patrick McKenzie). But he does have, far and away, the highest average score of any of Hacker News' top users, which means that when Weissman weighs in on something, people who matter very, very much tend to pay attention.
21. Jad Abumrad
Platform: Radio, Radiolab.org, Twitter
Not only is Radiolab the new must-listen radio program for the chunky glasses set, but it also has a way of bringing science stories to the mainstream. One of the ways it does this is with a great website, that makes listening online (and sharing) easy. Meanwhile, Radiolab host Abumrad has one of the best science-oriented Twitter feeds out there. It's followed by the biggest names in media, and can provide the bridge from obscure posting on a random science blog or journal to the top slot on Reddit the next day.
20. Jesus Diaz
Platform: Gizmodo
Look, this isn't just a plug for one of our writers. Sure, Jesus Diaz is the most-trafficked writer at Gizmodo. (And for that matter, one of the most widely read writers online.) But the truth is Jesus can find some weird story that might otherwise have been but a mere blip on Reddit, like these weird formations in the Chinese desert, and turn it into the classic "Gawker exclusive," with great packaging, a killer headline, and presto, it's all over the mainstream media.

19. Maria Popova
Platform: Twitter, Brainpickings.org
Popova uses the handle @brainpicker on Twitter, but really she's more like the Successpicker. The things she highlights go end-of-the-world-bird-flu viral. She does that by plucking out stories about technology, history, art, industry, tree frogs, you name it. Following her Twitter stream is like getting a liberal arts education.
18. Scott Lamb
Platform: Buzzfeed
BuzzFeed's managing editor has been there since Moses split the stylesheet. And over the years he's been the cause of more virality than a dirty needle. But don't think he can't still find the killer link. And while Buzzfeed may largely traffic in cat photos and Internet ephemera, it's biggest traffic day ever was a retrospective of largely newsworthy photos.
17. Scott Beale
Platform: LaughingSquid.com, Tumblr, Twitter
Scott Beale's events tracker the SquidList gave birth to his Laughing Squid web hosting business. Which gave birth to his weblog. Which gave birth to his Tumblr and Twitter—all of which breathed life into thousands of obscure stories that otherwise would have fallen soundlessly in digital forests. Today the smiling cephalopod is basically his own media empire.
16. Baratunde Thurston
Platform: The Onion, Twitter, Baratunde.com
The Onion's digital director is more than just a funny fella—although he certainly is that. But that cutting edge humor informs both political and cultural sensibilities that let him stay consistently ahead of the curve in terms of knowing what's next. His Twitter feed is among the most engaging on the Internet. His blog is a must-read for anyone interested in things that are awesome. And not only does he call out interesting stories and takes, his own ideas often become the day's conventional wisdom. (His video on Barack Obama's birth certificate release, for example, quickly became the definitive take.) Oh. And he also runs the Onion's Web presence. Maybe you've heard of it?
15. Drew Curtis
Platform: Fark.com
Drew Curtis if the one-man editorial force behind Fark. It's been plucking quirky little nuggets of random weirdness—often culled from local media sources—and aiming a firehose of traffic at them since 1999. In fact, Fark has been at it for so long, you could be forgiven for forgetting about it. But that's a mistake. Look at the timestamps of stories on Fark, and you'll see they're typically hours, or even a day, ahead of the attention curve.
14. Gabe Rivera
Platform: Techmeme
At any given moment, you can tell which technology stories are big by looking at Techmeme, the site Rivera founded. And if you want to see what the news of the day will be, just look at what's trending there. Journalists certainly do. It's the first thing every tech journalist you follow looks at each morning, and the place where all of them want their stories to land. It uses both algorithms and humans to place stories on the page. And although Rivera has mostly handed off to other editors on a day to day basis these days, the site is still very much a reflection of its founding editor. (Hey, his Twitter feed is pretty boss too.)
13. Matt Haughey
Platform: Metafilter.com, a.wholelottanothing.org
Matt created the modern group weblog in Metafilter, way back in 1999. When you look at some of the other hoary old Web properties that launched back then, it's a testament to Haughey's ceaseless focus on community that "the blue" is still relevant. Matt isn't writing a lot of front page posts himself anymore these days, but he keeps the house in order in a way that makes everything possible. Moreover, many of Metafilter's most interesting nuggets appear on Matt's personal weblog, twitter feed, or as bookmarks, making him a personal best-of list for people to busy to check MeFi every day.

12. Jim Romenesko
Platform: JimRomenesko.com, Twitter
Jim Romenesko's influence has never been more apparent than over recent weeks. When Poynter flubbed his departure, trying to paint him with a plagiarism brush, the move blew up in editor Julie Moos' face. Moos was widely reviled and looked either dumb or craven for making a stink. How did everyone find out about it? With a single post to his new site, JimRomenesko.com. And while Poynter already feels like a graveyard, JimRomenesko.com is now the new media must-read. We wish Jim the best of luck in his new gig. (PS: Link us?)
Image: Robin Eley

11. Anthony De Rosa
Platform: Tumblr, Twitter
De Rosa is the Internet's news of the day amplifier. His personal Tumblr and Twitter feeds are so popular and so influential that Reuters put him in charge of its social media presence. And that's because stories go into De Rosa's Tw/umblr as itty-bitty blips, and emerge as memes. Part of that is due to his eye for compelling stories—if he jumps on something odds are it's interesting. Paradoxically, he's gained such a following that stories can become big simply by virtue of his interest. It's a tricky balance, but so far he's pulling it off.
10. Jenna Wortham
Platform: Twitter, New York Times
Jenna "Jenny Deluxe" Wortham is way cooler than you. (Or at least: she's way cooler than I am.) The Bits blogger and New York Times technology reporter has both the megaphone and meticulous eye to surface cool tidbits form around the Web and then lift them to prominence. On Twitter, her 425,000 followers swarm the things she links to. Yet unlike a lot of reporters on Twitter, she doesn't just link to her own bylines. In fact, that's exactly what makes her so influential.

9. Mark Armstrong
Platform: Twitter, Longreads
Mark Armstrong harnessed the short form of Twitter to find and promote the best in long form writing. He collects the best of user-submitted long form articles and shares them on Longreads. This year @longreads exploded in popularity—surging from 9,500 to more than 40,000 followers—and editorial influence. A look at some of those submitting Longreads is like a who's who of publishing. In the process, Armstrong went from a guy looking for something to read on the subway, to a powerful media gatekeeper. More than anyone else Armstrong is the one who decides which feature stories should be widely read. And if you want to see the best features of the year, no one has a better list. (Sorry, ASME awards).

8. Christopher Poole
Platform: 4chan, Canvas
Poole is the Internet's unseen hand. Better known as 4chan founder moot, Poole built the place where most of the memes you see today are born. While his low key admin style means its often a chaotic sea of confusion, that's basically incomprehensible to the olds, it's also the crucible for Internet culture. And while you may think of it as little more than LOLcats and Pedobears, in recent years with the rise of Anonymous 4chan has become a powerful societal change agent. Now Poole is seeking to repeat the act with Canv.as, a board for sharing and remixing images. It's going to be huge.
7. Veronica Belmont
Platform: Google Plus, Twitter, Tekzilla
You may think of Veronica Belmont as a TV personality from Tekzilla. And admittedly her 1.6 million Twitter followers are nothing to gloss over. But the real reason we put her on this list? Google Plus. Belmont's managed to make something interesting happen in what may otherwise be the Web's least interesting social service by mixing the personal with the professional with the purely intriguing. Consequently a single Belmont plus-one (or whatever the hell you call it) can push an obscure story, video or even photo into memetic territory.
6. Leo Laporte
Platform: Radio, Twit.TV, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus
Leo's nationally syndicated Tech Guy radio show is huge, airing on 150 cities and XM radio to boot. But it's possible that his podcast, This Week in Tech, is the even bigger deal. The show is listened to by basically everyone in the valley, from VCs, to influencers, to programmers, to hangers on hoping to be in on the next big thing. Meanwhile he can push people to topics he cares about via outsized audiences on Twitter, Facebook, and even (yes) Google Plus.
5. Xeni Jardin
Platform: Boingboing.net, Twitter
BoingBoing is the Ur blog. Everyone reads it, and it often sets the tone for the Web's take on issues of the day. That's a testament to its editors, who each bring their own voice and personal interests to the site. Xeni, however, is probably the Boinger with the highest visibility all around the Web. That's partially due to her ability to give great Twitter. Her recent live-tweet of a trip to get a mammogram, followed by the news she had cancer, was both honest and courageous, and more to the point it got the mainstream media talking about mammograms.
4. Roger Ebert
Platform: Rogerebert.com, Twitter, Chicago Sun-Times
In the past five years, Ebert has transformed himself from powerful movie critic to powerful everything critic. And just as he lost his voice in person, he gained one online, with both sharp longform writing on his blog and a Twitter following of more than half a million that retweets the hell out of his 140 character missives. For example, @BPGlobalPR, the fake twitter account that skewered the company's failures in the Gulf, was one of the biggest Internet sensations of 2010. Yet you may never have heard of it had it not been for Ebert.
3. Ashton Kutcher
Platform: Twitter
Ashton Kutcher may be a cowardly quitter, a cheater, and something of a moron, but let's face it: Dude has influence. When Kutcher drops a link, mad traffic follows. When he calls out a web service or app (often one of his own) users follow like hyenas swarming a carcass. His authentic (if dumb) voice is the reason we hate to see him handing the keys to his feed to a bunch of soulless social media marketing whores, even if they are from his own firm.

2. Matt Drudge
Platform: drudgereport.com
Matt Drudge? That old motherscratcher? Sure, his site's design is older than your grandpa's undies, but here's the thing: People in the media still read him. More to the point, your dad reads him. Your barber and accountant and doctor read him. Matt Drudge's curated quick hits still appeal to people who lack the patience or time to set up deep social media reading lists. Too busy to find obscure links from all around the Web? Matt's site is always there. In the age of social media, he proves a single player on his own platform can still be the loudest voice in the din.

1. Maxwellhill
Platform: Reddit
Who the hell is Maxwellhill? Is Max a he or a she? A media pro, or a high school student? A reporter? An editor? A dog? It doesn't matter. What matters is that "Max" is the first person to rack up more than one million karma points on Reddit—a score earned by Redditors for submitting good links and making good comments. Over the past six years. Maxwellhill's selections have made Reddit what it is. You could even think of Maxwellhill as a stand-in for Reddit as a whole. Reddit has democratized editorial. It is the newspaper by and of the people. Anyone can have a say as to what should be news there. Still, on the board where stories go to explode, no one done more to detonate them than Max.
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